Family Documentary Photography, Documentary Photography, Child-Led Documentary Photography, Day In The Life Photography

In April, Josh Gooch and his lovey wife Tara, invited me into their home and allowed me to photograph my very first Day In The Life Session.
I instantly knew I would be partial to this genre of photography.
It was a shoes-off, play-with-the-kiddo kind of day that included random conversation and felt like home with my camera in hand. And when Nora made her way onto my lap, I knew this was going to be a good day.
What I captured during those hours was a family that functions as a team. I witnessed the everyday beauty, the everyday chaos, and the exhausting details of family life. I was present for the laughter, the meltdowns, the tears and the smiles; the changings, the feedings and the fight to brush teeth. It was imperfectly perfect!
And while most of us have cameras or a cell phone handy to capture the good and the not-so-good of everyday life, the subtle difference is that the parents remained fully engaged with each other, with the child and the tasks at hand and the results were nothing short of amazing.
The only thing more rewarding about this session is being complimented and “showcased” by another creative (talented freelance graphic designer and phenomenal events photographer) This just might be the best complement yet. And if you’re not familiar with Josh’s photography, you should be. Check out a sample of his most recent work:
Amazing, as always, Josh.
A million thanks and lots of gratitude to you, Tara and Nora.
