March 02, 2020
That’s the number of books I set as a personal reading goal for 2020.
That may be a small number for some, but for me, it is a huge challenge. Not because I don’t like to read--I read ALL.THE.TIME. I’m passionate about learning. I’m passionate about personal growth. And I love learning.
No, it’s not the number that is challenging. It’s a challenge because everything I’m obsessed with reading is educational, inspirational, motivational and designed to be actionable. My books of choice are designed to be absorbed. To read and re-read. To pause and reflect. To pause and take action.
And therein lies the problem.
To set a goal to finish a certain number of books, strays from my original purpose for even investing my time into reading them. The goal becomes about the number and not what I’m learning and applying.
This eye-opener was inspired by Darren Hardy’s Feb 18, 2020 Darren Daily Episode: You Read Too Much and I am so grateful to have listened to this message early in my goal setting.
Darren reminded me that it’s not about the number of books I read, it’s about reading with purpose.
It’s about applying what I learn and find.
It’s about stopping and acting on actionable advice.
So, my goal has changed.
It’s no longer about reading 24 books.
It’s about applying what I read—in that moment. That’s where the greatest growth and changes are made.
Interestingly--if you're reading this on the day of publishing (March 02, 2020), it is "Read Across America Day". It's a day created to get people together and take part in reading books.
Here’s my current book list. It’s growing (and changing):
Everything is Figureoutable—Marie Forleo (currently reading)
Launch: Jeff Walker
Ask: Ryan Levesque
Present Over Perfect: Shauna Niequist
Chasing Slow: Erin Loechner
168 Hours: Laura Vanderkam
Big Magic--Elizabeth Gilbert
The War of Art—Steven Pressfield
Millionaire Success Habits—Dean Graziosi
Underdog Advantage—Dean Graziosi
Unshakeable—Tony Robbins
Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead—Brene Brown
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are--Brene Brown
Marriage Fitness—Mort Fertel (a must-read if your married, or not)
How to Win Friends and Influence People—Dale Carnegie (re-reading)
The Success Principles—Jack Canfield
It Starts With Food—Melissa and Dallas Hartwig (re-reading)
Girl, Wash Your Face: Rachel Hollins
A Million Little Ways: Emily P. Freeman
Let it Go—T.D. Jakes
The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster—Darren Hardy
Max Out—Ed Mylett
The Compound Effect (audible)—Darren Hardy
Rich Dad Poor Dad—Robert Kiyosaki
So tell me, what’s inspiring you? I’d love to know!