I am a huge fan of Elena S Blair Photography.
Like me, she is a lifestyle photographer and her work always evokes emotion. It’s what I set out to do at every session.
But it’s not just her photography that draws me to her—it’s her voice. Her vision. Her encouragement. Her passion. Her generosity.
She shared a post she wrote: How to Prepare Your Kids for Your Lifestyle Family Photography Session & I couldn’t agree with her more. As familiar as I am with the Lifestyle Photography genre, I still get a lot of the same questions: What exactly is a Lifestyle Session? What do I do? How do I prepare? What can I expect?
I get it! They are all great questions and ones you should be asking your photographer. And it is my job to educate you.
If you are the slightest bit curious about what a Lifestyle Photography session and interested in knowing how to prepare for one, this is the blog post for you. Follow the link above to find out how you can prepare for your next lifestyle session. Be sure to check out her work while you're there. You'll fall in love <3
